True mastery begins when you design your own:
The entrepreneurs that I work with share certain traits:
They lead, even when they are not trying to.
They are blessed with divine discontent
They do courage.
Monica: lat. monere meaning to advise or warn
Now consider this: If you wanted to build the Eiffel tower taller, where would you start?
Obviously, by deepening and widening the foundation.
Then, you'd reinforce the load-bearing structure.
Only then would you build higher - confident that the structure can carry its own weight.
The same principles apply to High Performing Entrepreneurs:
Always begin with the foundation!
I would love to tell you that high performers are like the Eiffel tower.
Truth is, most of us have more in common with the leaning tower of Pisa…
We over-index on grit and proficiency.
It's exhausting.
And worse - it fuels The Success-Insecurity Paradox.
That paradox?
A symptom of a foundation that was never truly leveled.
A structure that is under too much strain.
Once you know what to look for and have the right tools, it’s an easy fix.
I deliver bespoke coaching that ‘levels’ and ‘reinforces’ the client.
The result? They get to operate on Easy Mode.
This is the intersection between proficiency, passion and purpose.
The space where the impossible becomes reality.
My clients tell me it feels like bending time.
The Blueprint of Me
"I am going to be a coach."
The words felt like a ’coming out’ moment.
I had never said them out loud before.
Her response was immediate:
"You’ve always been a coach, you coached me all the time!"
She's my first ever BFF.
We’ve known each other since before we could speak.
As I let her words sink in, I felt the truth of them.
I wasn't becoming something new -I was stepping into what I had always been.
The only difference?
This time, I was getting paid for it.
Coaching is my Easy Mode, my effortless doing, or what has also been called ”the will that can’t be willed” *
I see people.
And isn't that what we crave the most?
To be seen. Heard. Acknowledged.
Not for what we do, but for who we are.
That's where the real transformation begins.
People are surprised to learn that I have a background in construction.
I don't seem to fit into their idea of a typical Construction Project Manager.
But here's what I know:
Construction and high performance have a lot in common.
Here's what everyone in construction knows:
The taller you wanna build, the deeper you need to go!
High Performance is the same.
Because if you want to build higher, you have to dig deeper.
It's not about effort, it's about engineering.
The right foundation makes everything above it inevitable.
I am not on a mission to pitch my ‘stuff’ to millions of people.
I serve a select few - very powerfully.
You might be one of them.
Someone we both know and trust believe that you should experience my coaching. Just like they did.
And that's why you have an invitation to The Dig Deep Experience.
*Ted Kaptchuk
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