Yet the highest level of mastery
isn't about effort - it's:
Successful high performing entrepreneurs are the most powerful people on the planet.
They work harder than anyone.
They achieve more than anyone.
I show them how to change their SOP to Easy Mode.
Monica: lat. monere meaning to advise or warn
If you were to build the Eiffel tower taller, where would you start?
Obviously by deepening and widening the foundation.
Then you would reinforce the load bearing structure.
And only then would you build taller.
Confident that the structure would be able to carry its own weight.
The principles that I learned in construction also apply for High Performing Entrepreneurs: Always begin with the foundation!
I would love to tell you that high performers are like the Eiffel tower.
Truth is, most of us have more in common with the leaning tower of Pisa…
Now do you see the difficulty?
That’s the reason procrastination and self-sabotage are so common.
The problem is not a lousy mindset, bad habits or lack of grit.
“The Success-Insecurity Paradox” is just symptoms of a foundation that is not leveled and a structure that is under too much strain.
Once you know what to look for and have the right tools, it’s an easy fix.
I deliver bespoke coaching that ‘levels’ and ‘reinforces’ the client.
Once that is done, the sky's the limit.
And the coaching completely shifts focus.
This is where it gets FUN!
This is where we focus on their ‘magic’, or what I call Easy Mode.
It is the intersection between proficiency, passion and purpose.
The Blueprint of Me
«I am going to be a coach»
As I shared my secret, audacious goal for the first time it felt like a ’coming out’ moment.
Her immediate response:
«You’ve always been a coach, you coached me all the time»
I was back in my small home town talking with my first ever BFF.
We’ve known each other since before we could speak.
And as I let her words in, I could feel how they resonated.
I felt so seen and validated.
I coach, not because of my certifications or credentials.
I coach, because that is what I do.
It’s ”the will that can’t be willed” as Ted Kaptchuk called it.
It is my ’doing without effort’.
I see people.
Those moments when you are truly seen and acknowledged are so precious
It’s what we all crave.
It’s what I do for my favorite kind of people:
Successful High Performing Entrepreneurs
People are surprised to learn that I have a background in construction.
I don't seem to fit into their idea of a typical Construction Project Manager.
I find construction and high performance have a lot in common.
Here's what everyone in construction knows:
The taller you wanna build, the deeper you need to go!
High Performance is the same.
Subconscious programming is running 95% of our decision making.
Purposefully redesigning the programmed mind changes everything.
That’s how we create that space where the seemingly impossible becomes reality.
I call it High Performance on Easy Mode.
I am not on a mission to pitch my ‘stuff’ to millions of people.
I am here to serve a select few very powerfully.
You might be one of them.
Someone we both know and trust believe that you should experience my coaching.
Just like they did. And that's why you have an invitation to The Dig Deep Experience.
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